Home Monitor v.3.0 - Working on it and having it done shortly!

To all the people who have downloaded Home Monitor, THANK YOU! I am currently working on a much overdue upgrade (v.3.0)  to Home Monitor App for Splunk.  I should be having it out soon, needless to say getting married and taking time off puts a bit of a dent in my 'free time.'  Thank you all for the posts, emails etc., I made sure to pay attention to all of them and will be incorporating many of the changes to the v.3.0. 

A couple things, the 3.0 version will be a Splunk 6.0+ only version, so if you have not already, upgrade your Splunk instance to v.6.0+ .  Also, I'm going to work on a bandwidth calculator, given all the press that Verizon has had around the NetFlix bandwidth throttling.  This way people will have an easy way to show that their bandwidth that they are paying for is being throttled.  It will be a Linux (Mac OSX) script first, and I will work on a Windows version as well, but that will happen in a future release. 

Other than that, the Google Maps will be replaced with the native Splunk Maps visualization and I will have wider support for other routers, including pfsense firewalls.  Honestly, I've stopped using the Verzion FiOS router and put a pfsense firewall in place instead.  In my opinion, it's a better solution and easier to customize (think VPN, proxy, IPS/IDS, etc.) and you can actually close all the ports on your firewall that you want without having to keep the admin port open.  (See http://forums.verizon.com/t5/FiOS-Internet/Guy-accessed-remote-administration-port-4567-on-my-router-Thanks/td-p/241017

Thanks again for all the posts and support, I'll be having the latest version out shortly and feel free to leave comments or suggestions on other features you want to see in later versions. 



  1. Hello - Do you have any information on how to set this up with Comcast? I have a Arris cable modem and there is no method to login and configure the log, that I know of.

    Thanks, Len

  2. Len,

    The cable modem does not have a firewall. The best way to gather some data from your internet connection is to setup a firewall between your modem and the rest of your network. This will capture the data which can be fed through Splunk to see what's happening with your network. I would recommend building a pfsense firewall (it's free and you can use pretty simple hardware, I'll post a blog about building one soon.) Most WiFi routers have a built in firewall which you can send the syslog stream to Splunk.

    Either way, you'll need to build some kind of firewall that will send syslog if you want to see the data populate the Home Monitor App.



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